Training employees is a constant goal for organisations. Quality trainers is a must to further this goal to attain maximum results. With so many options, especially in the freelance training industry, it is hard to figure out who would be the best fit for your organisation. I feel that there are some basic skills/qualities that a trainer should have in order to inspire the trainees and get the most out of a session. I found this wonderful post on the blog of Door Consulting and I decided to include that in my post along with my own addition.
A very important skill that a trainer should have:
HIGHLY ENERGETIC: Keeping a group of people motivated and inspired for 8 odd hours is no mean task. In my experience, I have realised that high energy levels of the trainer definitely rubs on to the participants and keeps them going. If the trainer’s energy is low, it is bound to impact the group, especially during the post lunch hours. I am a firm believer in this skill and it always helps me keep my trainees attentive all day long. It is important to keep them motivated all day because, I think, motivation is the first rule of skill development. If we present the message in a dull and lackadaisical manner, I don’t think the trainees will sit up and take note of it. Let alone make an effort towards improving themselves. So, once they are pepped up, the rest of the job becomes easier.
Moving on to the post that inspired this one:
The Importance of Training the Trainer : DOOR Training and Consulting India.
Here’s another one that further throws light on the specific skills of a good trainer:
Do you remember any of your trainers who stand out in your memory? Do you have any other skill to add to the list? Drop me a line!