Step 5: How To Prepare For Different Kinds Of Speeches Suman February 16, 2017

Step 5: How To Prepare For Different Kinds Of Speeches

I am so excited that this series is coming to its culmination! This is the last of the videos in the speaking skills series.You’ve already seen 4 of the 5 steps to become a confident speaker – how to get started on becoming a confident speaker, how to prepare for an impressive speech, speaking tools that can keep your audience engaged and how to deliver your speech confidently.

 Step 5 is more an overall look at kinds of speeches rather than another step in the process.

You will come across different kinds of speaking situations in life. Some could be office meetings or project presentations, which you can prepare in advance for. While others could be a quick – So, what do you think about the new budget cuts – kind of scenarios. In today’s post, we will look at how to deal with different kinds of speaking needs.

Whether you have time to prepare or not, the key to speaking well in any situation is to master the skills it requires. You may be required to elaborate, persuade, take a stand and explain why, developing some of these skills will always come in handy. Remember the example of basketball that I mentioned in the very first post of the series? Let me refresh it for you here – No matter what situation the players face during a match, expertise in basic skills like dribbling and shooting makes sure that they can take advantage of every opportunity to score a goal. The analogy applies to speaking too. Mastering some skills can help you apply to a given topic and situation and speak confidently. 

Quickly put points together

This will be a life saver especially during those impromptu situation. There are many things you can say in a given situation. But decide what is the most appropriate content for the situation and audience? You need to quickly choose, say 2 points, you will share with the audience. 

Be able to structure them

Your audience banks on your structure for understanding. The more structured you are, the easier it is for them to understand where you are going with your speech. So ensure that the points you want to share are presented in the best possible order or manner. 

Start with a bang

If you read my post on speaking tools, you will see how simple techniques can create an emotional connect with the audience. Have a couple tools that you are good at so that you can start with an impact. The beginning of a talk or a presentation is also a great time to make a good impression and get the attention of the listeners.

Master specific skills

Train your voice, get confident with your gestures, learn to look people in the eye when you speak, develop comfort with presentation equipment – these are a few general skills that’ll greatly help you in any speaking situation.

Would you like to work on a particular kind of speech with me? I have a very customised program called 5 important steps to become a confident speaker that trains you on different aspects of speaking skills. Drop me a line and I can help you schedule a free 20 minute discovery session to discuss your needs.