April 27, 2023 5 Reasons Why Communication Skills Are Key For Women’s SuccessNeha (name changed) lost 2 promotions in a row. She was pretty frustrated because she is good at...
April 11, 2023 6 Simple Body Language Cues To Project LeadershipThink of a leader you admire the most! What are some of the qualities that stand out for...
April 4, 2023 The Dark Side of EntrepreneurshipI was slumped on my couch. Like literally, slumped. It takes a lot for me to reach that...
February 14, 2023 How To Get Started On Linkedin And Generate Saleshttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TKJ3STJd_gc Linkedin crossed 100 million members in India this week. With 56% growth in members over the last...
February 2, 2023 6 Simple Ways To Improve Your communication in 2023According to the World Economic Forum's Future of Jobs Report, 50% of all employees will need re-skilling by...
December 9, 2022 Part 2: 3 Practical Strategies To Ace Post Lay Off Interview (includes video)I have been writing a series of posts on handling layoffs and this is the second one in...
February 14, 2022 51 super easy ways to improve your communicationCarry a book at all times Read a page everyday Mix ebooks and paper backs Try a free...
January 26, 2022 Reading Update: Book Recommendations of 2021Looking back at the year gone by isn't complete without fondly remembering the great reads that were a...
August 9, 2021 #Bookreview: Digital Body Language By Erica Dhawan2020 shoved us in the middle of the worst pandemic in a 100 years! Life as we know...
May 20, 2021 My First Course on Udemy is Live!Aaaand it's here and it's approved! After weeks of working through the course creation process, my course was...