January 15, 2020 The Launch of Linkedin Local in Powai, January 2020Linkedin Local in Powai was launched on 10th of January and saw an attendance of about 30 people....
March 13, 2019 Event: Executive Presence for WomenAs a part of Women’s Day celebration, I decided to have a session on executive presence for women....
February 3, 2019 #10tips10days: Public Speaking Tips From Prep To DeliveryI posted a series of tips on public speaking for 10 days as a part of the hashtag...
June 23, 2016 10 Simple Power Pose Tips From Amy Cuddy’s Book, PresenceI am one of millions who were influenced by Amy Cuddy's TED talk - Your body shapes who you...
May 18, 2015 Power Pose: Your Body Language Shapes Who You Are by Amy Cuddyhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ks-_Mh1QhMc We spoke about power pose the last time and looked at the basics of it. This brilliant...
April 29, 2015 What Is A Power Pose?Look at the picture below. Which of these people look confident to you? Go on, guess! You can...