December 18, 2018 Public Speaking: 3 Excellent Books On Mastering The Arthttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2EDPGGr-UWU Hello everyone and welcome to yet another video from Soft Skills Studio. Do you ever watch TED...
April 22, 2017 A to Z of Soft Skills: S for Speaking SkillsThe ability to speak well can become the power to inspire, inform, motivate, persuade, teach, make an impact,...
February 20, 2016 TED Talks: 2 Kickass Ways To Present DataPresenting data during presentations can be quite a challenging task. It is often considered boring and meaningless to...
January 31, 2016 9 Public Speaking Secrets From Talk Like TEDSome books are so powerful and inspiring that they become a part of you forever. On Writing Well...
July 6, 2015 How To Speak So That People Will Listen: Julian TreasureIn the last TED talk by Julian Treasure, the master of sound, we saw 5 ways to listen better...