In this edition: 3 unique ways to use stats in your presentation | Tip of the week: visualising data on slides| Resource of the week: Using boxes and props to show stats
Hey Reader
Numbers always speak for themselves. Whether it is sales or profits, you cannot beat numbers.
But numbers are also the one thing that a lot of us are scared of. And something that can be overwhelming to the audience.
However, there are simpler ways to use numbers to create impact and at the same, not be intimidated by them.
In today’s newsletter, I will show you 3 simple ways in which you can benefit from stats without the negatives.
Let’s dive in
1. Pick stats carefully
Choose your metrics very carefully to ensure that they make things simpler – and not add to the overwhelm. Think “simple” and “relatable”.
For example, if your stat is – there are currently over 4.5 billion active internet users worldwide. This means if each user formed a line holding hands, we could go around the earth 64 times!!
2. Give context
Always back your number with a quick context. This will ensure that your audience stays with you till you reach the debriefing of how the stats are relevant. Make it a tight structure:
Stats → context → debrief
3. Deliver with a punch
Anything of importance needs to be conveyed in a way that makes it important. Always modulate your voice when you mention number.
For example: One out of five people live under the poverty line. The “one” and “five” has to jump out of that line so that the listeners register the significance of it.
1. Comparison
The amount of plastic that gets dumped into the oceans each year is equal to the weight of 1 million adult African elephants!
2. Visualise
A pie chart shows the expenses of each department. And the largest pie easily shows the most expensive one.
3. Make it dramatic
Did you know that each person in this room is responsible for 15% of the global warming across the world. And we are just 8 people here – making that a 120% contribution right here!!
To sum up:
Statistics can be pretty eye-opening, making our jobs easier as presenters. But if we aren’t careful in the way we use them, we could just end up confusing out audience and lose the case we are trying to build for ourselves in the presentation.
Slides that have complicated graphs one after the other seldom make the desired impact. Try and show one – and only one – graph per slide.
If possible, make the images relatable – for instance, a slide with a glass of water that less than half full. This could supplement the graph that shows depleting reserves of the company funding. The glass of water makes a better connection with the audience because it is so relatable.
I am super excited to share these TED Talks by Hans Gosling. He was a Swedish physician, academic and public speaker.
These TED talks use brilliant techniques to make numbers interesting and riveting, even.
Global growth population, box by box
The best stats you’ve ever seen
How we can start speaking more slowly to breathe properly?
The question of the week is about an important aspect of communication. Here are some quick tips:
1. Slow down consciously: This may seem stupid but a quick reminder to slow down helps
2. Take deep breaths: This will ensure you don’t hurry up to finish the sentence before your lungs run out of oxygen
3. Practice: Set 15 minutes out everyday to google topics and speak. This will help you slow down and breathe – but also make you comfortable with pauses.
Do you have any question on communication skills? Hit reply and ask. I’ll answer it in the upcoming editions.
I am thrilled to announce that my audio show on Linkedin went live last evening! We had a blast!
If you missed it, block you calendar on Thursdays from 8-9PM and RSVP for the next one on elevator pitch!
Next week, I will share how to stand out in every networking meeting through an impressive elevator pitch! I have tried and tested templates that work!
Do you have any questions or feedback about this newsletter? Would you like to see more of something and less of something else!
Reply and shoot!
Whenever you are ready:
How to write an effective elevator pitch: Do you struggle to make a great first impression? How would you like a one-line template that’ll help you introduce yourself – confidently and memorably every single time? Just 2o minutes can help you plan and write your elevator pitch!
Get into a strategy call with for free – book your slot here
For videos on communication on my YouTube Channel
For daily tips on communication and soft skills, follow me on Linkedin