The best of us need to take a break sometimes.
Rather, it is a good idea to take breaks and come back fresh and rejuvenated!
And this is one such break that I’m taking for a few weeks. It’s only a few weeks! By the time, the glow of Diwali lights fade, you’ll see me back in action. And better than ever!
A brand new look of the blog, brand new videos on my channel and brand new posts on the blog! So yeah! Patience is a virtue and good things come in their own time.
There are so many things that you can do while new posts don’t appear on this blog. Here they are:
1. Subscribe to the blog
I am planning a whole lot of new content for the coming months and 2019. You can always subscribe to this blog from the home page and ensure that you don’t miss when the magic happens!
If you want to catch up on great content you missed, here is a quick guide to best performing posts on this blog. You can always start improving your skills from here.
7 posts that will definitely improve your soft skills
2. Subscribe to the YouTube channel
Subscribe to the YouTube channel, Soft Skills Studio which has short and quick tips on communication and soft skills. What more! I have more videos in the works. Look at a glimpse below.
3. Get free content on presentation skills
As part of the 4th anniversary celebrations of this blog, I offered free tips to help you make positively better presentations. Here is the secret recipe to be the star presenter of your team. All you need to do is click on the image below:
4. Read series on interview skills
If you are preparing for your placement interviews or looking for interview related advice, follow my series on the same on Linkedin Pulse. The series covers tips on writing great resume and cover letters, how to answer commonly asked questions and do’s and don’ts in an interview. You can start with the first post here.
5. Suggest what do you want?
You can also use this time to tell me what kind of topics to do want to read on the blog, In the agenda re tips on personal branding, improving speaking skills and similar topics. I’ll be happy to consider your suggestions and write posts on what you want to read.