April 11, 2023 6 Simple Body Language Cues To Project LeadershipThink of a leader you admire the most! What are some of the qualities that stand out for...
August 9, 2021 #Bookreview: Digital Body Language By Erica Dhawan2020 shoved us in the middle of the worst pandemic in a 100 years! Life as we know...
February 9, 2021 Book Recommendations in January 2021Anyone who knows me knows how much I love books! I share my reading lists, monthly updates, book...
June 17, 2020 7 Essential Skills For The VUCA worldWe are truly going through unprecedented times. And the kind of jobs and skills we will need in...
October 21, 2017 3 Must Read Posts On My Linkedin PulseI have crossed the 35 article mark on Linkedin Pulse and I thought this is a great time...