August 7, 2023 Newsletter Launch: Sign Up For Weekly Communication TipsI already post content on Linkedin everyday and that works for the platform. But I wanted to carve...
January 9, 2019 Video: How To Begin A Presentation With A BangThe lights are off! The ppt projector is bright behind you putting you in semi darkness. And people...
October 21, 2017 3 Must Read Posts On My Linkedin PulseI have crossed the 35 article mark on Linkedin Pulse and I thought this is a great time...
August 28, 2017 Manoj Vasudevan: The World Champion of Public Speaking 2017Watching the World Championship of Public Speaking on live streaming along with a 100 odd other Toastmasters...
August 21, 2017 The 86th World Championship Of Public Speaking is here!We have all been inspired by TED talks and the flawless presentations that are made on that esteemed...
May 23, 2017 My First Speech at ToastmastersI first sat up and took notice of Toastmasters International when I ran into the world champion of public...
April 22, 2017 A to Z of Soft Skills: S for Speaking SkillsThe ability to speak well can become the power to inspire, inform, motivate, persuade, teach, make an impact,...
February 23, 2017 Speaking Skills: Should You Memorise Your Speech?When I was in college, my favourite event to participate in during the college festival was the extempore...
February 16, 2017 Step 5: How To Prepare For Different Kinds Of Speecheshttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KMoDKHm7w54 I am so excited that this series is coming to its culmination! This is the last of...
February 8, 2017 Step 4: How To Deliver An Impressive Speechhttps://youtu.be/zA_x8M2c7eU Welcome back to the series on 5 steps to become a confident speaker. Speaking skills are important to...
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